En Mon, 04 May 2009 19:14:53 -0300, Chris Rebert escribió:
On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 3:02 PM,  <robert.t.ly...@seagate.com> wrote:

In a python program I ask if the user wants to continue.  If they answer
'no', what options do I have to halt execution?  I can put the rest of the code inside an "if bContinue:" block, but that seems awkward.  I have looked at raising an exception, and perhaps this is the preferred method, but it
seems daunting to my non-OOP eyes.  Thanks -- Rob

There's the C-like:
from sys import exit

Or if you prefer exceptions, the standard way is:
raise SystemExit

I prefer to put the code inside a function, and just `return` earlier.
Having a sys.exit() in the middle of a function means that it's not reusable; I usually have a single exit() at the end.

def do_work():
  do some work
  ask the user
  if not continue:
    return 0
  do more work
  return 0

if __name__=='__main__':
  try: sts = do_work()
  except: sts = 1, log exception

Gabriel Genellina


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