Iain King <iaink...@gmail.com> writes:

> On May 5, 7:00 am, Joel Juvenal Rivera Rivera <joel...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I want to make something very similar to  the command tail -f (follow a
>> file), i have been trying  with some while True and some microsleeps
>> (about .1 s); did someone has already done something like this?
>> And about the file is the apache acceslog  of a site with a lot of
>> traffic.
>> Regards    
>> joe / Joel Rivera
> This is very interesting, about using Generator Expressions:
> Relevant stuff about 'tail -f' is on page 39, but I'd read the whole
> thing if you can.
> Iain


I second this suggestion. I've used this method in many scripts of
late and it is quite handy.

He even takes it a little further and shows you some neat things you
can do with it later on.

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