Ross wrote:
On May 5, 12:32 am, John Yeung <> wrote:
On May 5, 1:12 am, John Yeung <> wrote:

[...] the problem may require bigger guns (either much better
math or much more sophisticated programming).
Yes, I'm responding to myself.

Well, I went ahead with the approach I mentioned earlier, generating
all possible matches and then selecting among them as needed to fill
up the courts, trying to keep the number of matches played by each
player as fair as possible.  (I should mention that this, or something
similar, was suggested earlier by someone else in a different thread,
in response to the same question by the same OP.)

I did use "bigger guns" (mainly a class for player objects, with
custom __cmp__ method), but still didn't do anything with doubles.

I haven't tested it much, but I'll post it if anyone's interested.
(That way people can pick on me instead of the OP. ;)


I'm interested to see what you did. From your description, it sounds
like I've tried what you've done, but when I implemented my version,
it took minutes to evaluate for bigger numbers. If that isn't the case
with yours, I'd be interested in seeing your implementation.

Here's my approach (incomplete):

def get_pair(player_list, played):
    for first in range(len(player_list)):
        player_1 = player_list[first]
        for second in range(first + 1, len(player_list)):
            player_2 = player_list[second]
            pair = player_1, player_2
            sorted_pair = tuple(sorted(pair))
            if sorted_pair not in played:
                del player_list[second]
                del player_list[first]
                return pair
    return None

def round_robin(player_list, courts, played):
    playing = []
    for c in range(courts):
        pair = get_pair(player_list, played)
        if pair is None:
    byes = player_list[:]
    player_list[:] = byes + [player for pair in playing for player in pair]
    yield playing, byes

def test_round_robin(players, rounds, courts, doubles=False):
    player_list = range(players)
    played = set()
    for r in range(rounds):
        for playing, byes in round_robin(player_list, courts, played):
            print playing, byes


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