On May 6, 7:10 pm, Jean-Paul Calderone <exar...@divmod.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 5 May 2009 22:17:35 -0700 (PDT), gganesh <ganesh....@gmail.com> wrote:
> >On May 5, 9:25 pm, Piet van Oostrum <p...@cs.uu.nl> wrote:
> >> >>>>> gganesh <ganesh....@gmail.com> (g) wrote:
> >> >g> hi,
> >> >g> I'm a beginner in using Python script
> >> >g> I'm trying to send mails using multi-thread
> >> >g> I wrote
> >> >g> FROM = 'ganeshx...@xxxx.com'
> >> >g> # for more mail add';' the another mail id
> >> >g> listTo = ['g....@gmail.com', 'xxjango...@gmail.com',
> >> >g> 'xx...@yahoo.co.in']
> >> >g> SUBJECT = 'This is the subject'
> >> >g> MSGBODY = 'This the body of the message '
> >> >g> MAILSERVER = 'mail.xxxx.com'
> >> >g> port = 25
> >> >g> username = 'xxxxx'
> >> >g> password = 'xxxxx'
> >> >g> # trim the strings of any leading or trailing spaces
> >> >g> FROM = FROM.strip()
> >> >g> SUBJECT = SUBJECT.strip()
> >> >g> MSGBODY = MSGBODY.strip()
> >> >g> MAILSERVER = MAILSERVER.strip()
> >> >g> username = username.strip()
> >> >g> password = password.strip()
> >> >g> #Connect to server
> >> >g> print 'Connecting to mail server ', MAILSERVER
> >> >g> try:
> >> >g>       s = smtplib.SMTP(MAILSERVER,port)
> >> You can't have a single SMTP connection that's used in multiple threads.
> >> That is what causes the error. Each thread should have its own SMTP
> >> connection. So move this code (above and below) into the run() method.
> >> >g>       print 'connected'
> >> >g> #s.set_debuglevel(1)
> >> >g> except:
> >> >g>        print 'ERROR: Unable to connect to mail server', sys.exc_info  
> >> >()[0]
> >> >g>        sys.exit(1)
> >> >g> #login to server
> >> >g> if password <> '':
> >> >g>       print 'Logging into mail server'
> >> I think this try except block should be inside the if statement, i.e.
> >> indented 4 spaces.
> >> >g> try:
> >> >g>       s.login(username,password)
> >> >g> except:
> >> >g>       print 'ERROR: Unable to login to mail server', MAILSERVER
> >> >g>       print 'Please recheck your password'
> >> >g>       sys.exit(1)
> >> >g> #--------------------------------------------------
> >> >g> print "Starting Multi Thread Method"
> >> >g> class MyThread(Thread):
> >> >g>     def __init__(self, site, s, FROM, MSGBODY):
> >> >g>         Thread.__init__(self)
> >> >g>         self.site = site
> >> >g>       self.s=s
> >> >g>       self.FROM=FROM
> >> >g>       self.MSGBODY=MSGBODY
> >> You give the s (connection) here as a parameter, store it in self.s and
> >> never use that attribute.
> >> >g>     def run(self):
> >> >g>       print "running for %s " %self.site
> >> >g>       s.sendmail(self.FROM, self.site, self.MSGBODY)
> >> Here you use the global s, not self.s
> >> As I said above you should do the SMTP connection setup, including the
> >> login, here, and store the connection either in self.s or in a local
> >> variable s in the method. As you don't use the s in another method, I
> >> think a local variable is better.
> >> >g>       print "Emailed for  site %s" %self.site
> >> >g> a= time.time()
> >> >g> threads = []
> >> >g> for site in listTo:
> >> >g>     T = MyThread(site,s,FROM,MSGBODY)
> >> >g>     threads.append(T)
> >> >g>     T.start()
> >> >g> for i in threads:
> >> >g>     i.join()
> >> Of course the next 2 lines should also be moved to run().
> >> >g> s.quit()
> >> >g> s.close()
> >> >g> print "Took %s seconds" %str(time.time()-a)
> >> >g> #-----------------------------------------------------
> >> --
> >> Piet van Oostrum <p...@cs.uu.nl>
> >> URL:http://pietvanoostrum.com[PGP8DAE142BE17999C4]
> >> Private email: p...@vanoostrum.org
> >Thanks Everyone By your guidance the code worked fine
> >I can send mails in multi threaded environment.
> >Is this only way to send mails concurrently  or any other method
> >aviable?
> Here's another way:
>     from twisted.mail.smtp import sendmail
>     from twisted.internet import reactor
>     from twisted.python.log import err
>     MAILSERVER = ...
>     listTo = [...]
>     FROM = ...
>     MSGBODY = ...
>     done = sendmail(MAILSERVER, FROM, listTo, MSGBODY)
>     done.addErrback(err)
>     done.addCallback(lambda ignored: reactor.stop())
>     reactor.run()
> Jean-Paul

Hi Jean-Paul
This is what I'm searching for ,Thanks a lot
Based on your posting I wrote a programme,but it showed me a error

"Failure: twisted.mail.smtp.SMTPDeliveryError: 554 No recipients
"Relay access denied" errors

I can clearly figure out, that this error is because, i haven't
authenticated my email account to send mail.
I have username and password of smpt server ,how to authenticate in
Twisted Framework

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