Tim Rowe wrote:
2009/5/6 Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfr...@ix.netcom.com>:

(the "near" is because I feel Ada is
stricter than any other language)

Try SPARK -- it's Ada based, but /much/ stricter. It's just right for
some really critical stuff, but is no sort of an answer to "Which one
is best Python or Java for developing GUI"!


"...really critical stuff..."    Then the only real choice is assembly!

And correct - that's nothing to do with Python vs Java.

Back to the question:
Python has one advantage that has not been mentioned. It allows the programmer to start with prior coding practices and 'ease' into OOP because Python happily allows a mix of traditional and OOP coding.

Beyond that - "There is no accounting for taste."  You are on your own.
You see - with daughter #1 I need pencil and paper to explain things.
          with daughter #2 I sit on my hands and narrate correctly the
            first time.
Many things have no "one is better" option beyond individual quirks. Or shall we say preferences? The old - "This works for me" is right one.


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