Brian Sabbey wrote:
do f in with_file('file.txt'): print
I don't like this syntax. Try to read it as an English sentence: "Do f in with file 'file.txt'". Say what???
To sound right it would have to be something like
with_file('file.txt') as f do: print
This is still strange since f is the arguments the thunk was called with, e.g. the current syntax is basically:
do <unpack_list> in <returnval> = <callable>(<params>): <code>
I don't really know a more readable sequence of keywords, though someone suggested 'with' and 'from', which might read something like:
with <unpack_list> from <callable>(<params>): <code>
which looks okay to me, though I'm not sure that 'with' makes it clear that this is not a normal block... I also find readability problems when I try to stick <returnval> back in.
One of the other issues is that, with the current proposal, the thunk can be called multiple times within a function, so the keywords have to make sense both with a single iteration interpretation and a multiple iteration interpretation... Makes it even harder...
STeVe --