On May 8, 1:17 am, Piet van Oostrum <p...@cs.uu.nl> wrote:
> >>>>> Jelle Smet <je...@smetj.net> (JS) wrote:
> One more thing:
> >JS> I start python interactively:
> >>>>> import xmlrpclib
> >>>>> session1=xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://localhost:8000')
> >>>>> session2=xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://localhost:8000')
> >>>>> print session1.show_random()
> >JS> 13930
> >>>>> print session2.show_random()
> >JS> 13930
> I get the impression, also from your use of the variable names
> 'session1' and 'session2' that xmlrpclib.ServerProxy() gives you some
> kind of connection to the XMLRPC server. This is not the case. It gives
> just an administration object *in the client* that will communicate with
> the server when you call a method on it. The two session's in your code
> are therefore functionally equivalent and there is no advantage in
> having two of them instead of one. And the name session is misleading.
> Please note also that XMLRPC isn't object-oriented. There is just the
> server; in the protocol there are no objects other than the server.
> --
> Piet van Oostrum <p...@cs.uu.nl>
> URL:http://pietvanoostrum.com[PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
> Private email: p...@vanoostrum.org

Hi Piet,
Yes, I'm aware of this.

>You create a single instance of your class and then register that. There
>is nothing in your code that makes the server believe it should create a
>new instance for each request.
>On the other hand, If SimpleXMLRPCServer had this capability, my example 
>wouldn't be correct anyway, because only one instance of class Randomizer is 
>>created when the SimpleXMLRPCServer starts.

Exactly, I understand.

>Otherwise you would have to register a function that creates a new
>instance on every call.
>But as Martin P. Hellwig has noted, it wouldn't give you sessions anyway.

Well, I think Martin's example will suit my needs.

Thanks for the explanation!


Thanks for the feedback, ...


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