En Mon, 11 May 2009 10:33:03 -0300, Ulrich Eckhardt <eckha...@satorlaser.com> escribió:

We have a few tests for some module here. These tests are under development and applied to older versions (with less features) of the module, too. That
means that if I have module version 42, tests A and B can not possibly
work. I don't want to have test failures but I also don't want to fork the
test suite, so how do I get the tests to behave like Python's test suite,
which also skips some "expected failures".

The simplest way would be to check for some condition (code version, attribute existence) in the tests themselves, and just skip it when it's not apropiate.

Another way is to omit the test case from the suite. Things can be a lot fancier... Look at the Python test suite for some ideas.

Gabriel Genellina


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