Scooter schrieb:
On May 19, 3:40 pm, Scooter <> wrote:
Let me qualify this by saying I'm very new to python. I'm doing some
work with mod_python and in a function I have defined I am passing in
the form and then iterating through the form keys. I'm currently
writing my unit tests and I'm trying to mock up a form object with
kids so I can emulate my true form post. So I'm attempting to mock up
a class that I'm calling "_Fakeform". I'm lost on how I should do it
though. I thought by creating a dictionary object with key value pairs
that would satisfy my need but I'm not sure how to get at it when I
pass my mocked class in.
1 strike against me for poor proof reading.
1) While I did mention mod_python I didn't say I was referring to an
HTML form.
2) I said I'm trying to mock up a form object with "kids". No idea how
I messed that up, but it should be "keys"
If you'd use mod_wsgi, you could create a WSGI-application that's easily
testable with paste fixture, including filling out forms, following
redirects and all that.