Barak, Ron wrote:
I need to read the end of a 20 MB gzip archives (To extract the date from the last line of a a gzipped log file). The solution I have below takes noticeable time to reach the end of the gzip archive. Does anyone have a faster solution to read the last line of a gzip archive ? Thanks,
#!/usr/bin/env python import gzip path = "./a/20/mb/file.tgz" in_file =, "r")
first_line = in_file.readline()
print "first_line ==",first_line
last_line = in_file.readlines()[-1]
print "last_line ==",last_line

It takes a noticeable time to reach the end because, well, the data is
compressed! The compression method used requires the preceding data to
be read first.

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