Dave Angel <da...@ieee.org> wrote:
>Anyway, now you can see two batch files you could use to make a 
>particular version of Python active.  The first one uses assoc and ftype 
>to fix the asssociations. And the other changes the environment variable 
>PATHEXT to make the extension optional.  Note that changing the 
>environment variable is effective only for that DOS box, and its 
>children.  If you want a permanent change, you need to change the 
>registry, probably at
>   hklm\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Contro/Session\Session 

The better way to do this is to bring up the System control panel applet
(shortcut: WindowsKey + Pause/Break), Advanced, Environment Variables.  In
the System variables, click PATHEXT and Edit, and add ;.PY;.PYW to the end.
Tim Roberts, t...@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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