Maxim Kasimov wrote:
André Roberge wrote:

Maxim Kasimov wrote:

by the way, "goto" statement will be useful for writing more powerful obfuscators

Let me get that clear: you want a goto to help with debugging.

And you want to obfuscate your code even more?


Perhaps you need to write in Perl, or some other similar language.

Writing in Python is for those that seek clarity (not obfuscation) and less bugs. Which is why a goto statement should definitely never be part of Python!


so insulting to me - you asking i'm a troll, only becose i'm saing that goto maybe sometimes usefull.

Seemed like a fair response to me, given that computer scientists and programming practitioners concluded years ago that the potential of goto constructs was largely negative, and that they should be eschewed under most normal circumstances.

This has now been carried to the extent that there are may other languages besides Python that don't include a GOTO.

Do you know something we (and they) don't? If not then this is just an idle conversation, since you don't appear to perceive the negative aspects at all.

Steve Holden        +1 703 861 4237  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC   
Python Web Programming


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