Alexzive wrote:

> I am a newby with python. I wrote the following code to extract a text
> from a file and write it to another file:
> linestring = open(path, 'r').read() #read all the inp file in
> linestring
> i=linestring.index("*NODE")
> i=linestring.index("E",i)
> e=linestring.index("*",i+10)
> textN = linestring[i+2:e-1] # crop the ELement+nodes list
> Nfile = open("N.txt", "w")
> Nfile.write(textN)
> unfortunately when I check N.txt some lines are missing (it only crop
> until "57, 0.231749688431, 0.0405121944142" but I espect the final
> line to be "242, 0.2979675, 0.224605896461". I check textN and it has
> all the lines until "242..")
> when I try Nfile.write(textN) again it writes some more lines but
> still not all!
> what is wrong whit this?

Do you check the contents of the resulting file by feeding it to another 

> 53, 0.170973146505, 0.0466686190136
> 57, 0.231749688431, 0.0405121944142
> t60, 0.250420691759, 0.0399644155193
> 58, 0.234883810317, 0.0488399925217
> 61, 0.2666025, 0.03541845
There's a "t" at the start of the line after the last line you claim to see, 
so maybe your input file is corrupt and your reader stumbles over that line.



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