I want to extract some pages from vary pdf files, then write them with/witout rotation into one new pdf file. something likes this [py] import gfx doc = gfx.open("pdf", r"Theory.pdf") pdf = gfx.PDF() for pagenr in [1,5,7]: page = doc.getPage(pagenr)
if pagenr==1: page.rotate(90) #for some pages pdf.startpage(page.width, page.height) page.render(pdf) pdf.endpage() pdf.save("new pdf.pdf") [/py] I have tried pypdf, but it errs and exits on some of my pdfs(no, the files have no password) can someone suggest on such a lib for python on windows/or a pure C-dll? (I mean pdf page->pdf, not pdf page->pic->pdf) thanx -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list