On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 4:00 AM, Dave Angel <da...@ieee.org> wrote:

> thushiantha...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I am planning to develop a chatting software in Python, for my college
>> project. I am using Windows Vista. Is it possible to do sockets
>> programming in Python ? Any books or websites ?  Also, i want to
>> develop a gui for that program. What are the gui tool kits available
>> for windows? I already knew about PyGtk and PyQT, but will they work
>> properly in Windows platform? Any suggestions?
>> Thank you. Excuse my English.
> You're asking two very distinct questions, and I hope others will chime in,
> especially with the sockets one.
> 1)  There is a module called socket, for low level BSD socket access, and
> it does support Windows (plus Mac OSX, BeOS, OS/2, and "all modern Unix"
> No experience with it, however.
> 2) There is tkInterf supplied with Python to do GUI development.  However,
> when I studied the choices I knew about, I picked wxPython.  I don't even
> remember the other choices, because it's hard to learn more than one.
> see:  http://www.python.org/
> and http://wiki.wxpython.org/
> Both totally free, and with very easy (msi) installers for Windows.
> Watch out for versions, though.  If you're goin to run wxPython, you want
> to get Python 2.5x or 2.6x, nothing later.  And many say that  wxPython for
>  2.5x is more stable,
> Then when you download wxPython, you need to get the matching version.

There was a problem with manifest files in the original Python 2.6 with
wxPython (Python switched to using Visual Studio 2008, wxPython was still
using an older version). I think they have most of the kinks worked out now.

> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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