Andreas Roehler wrote:
Esmail wrote:
LittleGrasshopper wrote:
So what do you guys use, and why? Hopefully we can keep this civil.
I use Emacs, just because I have been using this editor for
all sorts of things in the last 20+ years.

I haven't been able to get the python mode to work for Windows

A bug-report would be fine... :)

In case you use python-mode.el, please refer to


This got me to waste a bunch of time first with (add-to-list) unsuccessfully
before I checked to see if there was an update to emacs distribution/bundle
I use under Windows, which is

Using its default .emacs I was able to get the python mode to work fine.
(I suspect there was something off in my ancient .emacs file which I had
been porting from system to system in the last 10 years  or so).

Glad this thread motivated me to upgrade/check on this.



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