On May 27, 3:37 pm, Scott David Daniels <scott.dani...@acm.org> wrote:
> powah wrote:
> > ...
> > I fixed one error, now if the filename is misspelled, how to ignore
> > the error and continue?
> You really should go through the tutorial.  It will explain this and
> other important things well.  But, since I'm feeling generous:
> Replace this:>     u=urllib2.urlopen(link)
> >     p=u.read()
> >     open(filename,"w").write(p)
> with this:
>        try:
>            u = urllib2.urlopen(link)
>            p = u.read()
>        except urllib2.HTTPError:
>            pass
>        else:
>            dest = open(filename, "w")
>            dest.write(p)
>            dest.close()
> --Scott David Daniels
> scott.dani...@acm.org


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