En Fri, 29 May 2009 06:52:15 -0300, Joachim Dahl <dahl.joac...@gmail.com> escribió:

In Python2.x, I used PyFile_Check(obj) to check if a parameter was a
file object.

Now, in Python3.0 the same object (obtained as open('file.bin','wb'))
is an
io.BufferedWriter object.

How do I perform type checking for such an object in the extension

I don't know which is the preferred way to check for a file object in 3.x - I hope someone can answer this more precisely. In principle, a file inherits from io.IOBase, but this class is defined in io.py and probably isn't intended to be used in C code. Other alternatives are _io._IOBase, PyIOBase_Type, and io.FileIO/_io.FileIO

and how do I extract a FILE * object from it?  I browsed the C API
documentation,  but
couldn't find an answer.

I'd use PyObject_AsFileDescriptor

(Notice that the documentation is outdated; the PyFileObject type does not exist anymore, and a file isn't a wrapper around a FILE struct either)

The purpose is to dump the contents of a Python extension type to disk
binary data using C's fwrite() function.

From the above, I'd use write() with the file descriptor obtained from PyObject_AsFileDescriptor.

Gabriel Genellina


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