Cameron Pulsford wrote:
Hey everyone, I am extremely stumped on this. I have 2 functions..

def _determinant(m):
   return m[0][0] * m[1][1] - m[1][0] * m[0][1]

def cofactor(self):
   """Returns the cofactor of a matrix."""
   newmatrix = []
   for i, minor in enumerate(self.minors()):
       newmatrix.append(_determinant(minor.matrix) * ((i%2) * -1))
   return newmatrix

And I get the following error when I try to run a.cofactor()...

"NameError: global name '_determinant' is not defined"

When I put the _determinant function nested within the cofactor function it works fine. Normally I would do this, but a lot of other methods use the _determinant method. They are both in the same class, and they are at the same level, they are even in that order so I know it should be able to see it. I have a lot of functions that call other functions in this class and everything is fine. [Also for the picky, I know my cofactor method isn't mathematically correct yet ;-) ] Am I missing something obvious here? Also if it helps the rest of the code is here though it is not the latest.

Maybe someone has already answered...

Looks like cofactor is in a class, so I'm assuming _determinant is in that class as well.

3 solutions:
- declare _determinant outside of the class, making it a private module function
- declare _determinant as method of the instance : def _determinant(self)
- if you want to keep _determinant as part of your class, it's up to you but you have to declare it as staticmethod (goolge it for details)

For isntance :
class MyClass
 def _determant()m:
 _determant = staticmethod(_determinant)

 def cofactor(self):
x = MyClass._determinant(y) # this is how you call static Class method, but rarely these methods are set private (_ prefix)


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