
I'm new to Python, and am looking for some suggestions as to the source code 
layout for a new project.

The project will be a tg/pylons daemon, a static website, and a collection of 
other scripts that will interact with the app and DB.

Here is what I am thinking so far:

- app/ -- Code for pylons/TG web app
- web/ -- Public static web files (and wsgi / fastCGI connector files)
- db/ -- SQlite DB
- scripts/ -- Various custom programs that will also interact with the DB / 
app. (Some cron, some interactive.)
- config/ -- 3-rd party API tokens, DB parameters, etc.

However, I am still wondering about a few items:

1) Where to create the virtualpython installation that will be used by both the 
app and the scripts. 

2) Where to put our in-house created python modules so that they can be 
imported by both the TG app and our own scripts.

3) How to cleanly provide the various config settings to both the web app and 

Any suggestions? ideas?

fwiw, I am planing on keeping the whole thing in a Mercurial repository.

Thank you,



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