En Thu, 04 Jun 2009 22:24:48 -0300, Zac Burns <zac...@gmail.com> escribió:

The section of code below, which simply gets the __file__ attribute of
the imported modules, takes more than 1/3 of the total startup time.
Given that many modules are complicated and even have dynamic
population this figure seems very high to me. it would seem very high
if one just considered the time it would take to load the pyc files
off the disk vs... whatever happens when module.__file__ happens.

Code: [fixed]
for module in sys.modules.itervalues():
              path = module.__file__
      except (AttributeError, ImportError):

__file__ is just an instance attribute of module objects. Although a custom importer *might* define a special module type which *could* use a special computed attribute, I doubt so... module.__file__ just returns a string, when it exists. Built-in modules have no __file__ attribute set, and some entries in sys.modules may be set to None. These should be the only exceptions.

The calculation appears to be cached though, so a subsequent check
does not take very long.
From once python starts and loads the main module to after all the
imports occur and this section executes takes 1.3sec. This section
takes 0.5sec. Total module count is ~800.

Are you sure you posted the actual code?
That "return" statement would stop the iteration as soon as it hits a builtin module, or a None flag.

I'd say the time is spent somewhere else, or you're misinterpreting your results.
BTW, what's the point of all this?

Gabriel Genellina


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