steve wrote:
I was just looking at the python tutorial, and I noticed these lines:

"Windows makes a distinction between text and binary files;
"the end-of-line characters in text files are automatically altered
"slightly when data is read or written.

I don't see any obvious way to at to get that corrected: Is there some standard procedure?

It's not clear from your question what you want corrected. Are you saying that the tutorial leaves out some detail? Or are you upset that reading the data gets "automatically altered" data?

If it's the former, just lookup the function in the reference documentation (eg. the chm file in a Windows installation).

The way to control the behavior is with the 'mode' parameter to open(). If mode has a 'b' in it, the file is considered binary, which means no translation is done. If the mode has a 'u' in it, or neither 'b' nor 'u', then some translation is done. The purpose of the translation is to let the program always use \n to mean end of line, for code that'll be portable between the various operating system conventions. Windows typically does text files with \r\n at the end of each line. Some Macs do just a \r, and Unix and Linux use a \n.

One reason a programmer has to be aware of it is that he/she may be reading or writing a file from a different operating environment, for example, a script that'll be uploaded to a web server running a different OS.


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