Hey Hans,

Try reversing the list of numbers and see if anything changes.


Hans Müller wrote:

I found a timing problem while playing with the xmlrpx stuff.

I created a very simple server, running on a network node on windows.
The client runs on windows or linux. It runs a very simple test function on the server
which just echos a passed string. The trip time is beeing measured.
When I use a 1024 char test string I get a trip time in the 10-20ms range on windows and linux.
But for small arguments the trip time explodes - why on earth ?!

May be this problem is here off topic and tcp/ip stack related.

Here is the very very simply test server:

# -*- coding: cp1250 -*-
# xmlrpc test server

import SimpleXMLRPCServer
import xmlrpclib
import time

# the test function - justs echos the argument
def RunTest(buffer):
    return buffer

print "Starting RPC Server..."

# Create server
server = SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer(("node01", 10000))

# Run the server's main loop

This is the test client:

# -*- coding: cp1250 -*-
# Test for Roundtrip Time xmlrpc calls

import SimpleXMLRPCServer
import xmlrpclib
import datetime

print "started..."

s = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://laptvm:10000') # place here your server address

for scale in (100240, 10240, 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 10, 1):
        print "Checking with", scale
        buffer = "0123456789" * scale
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        for i in range(10):
                res = s.RunTest(buffer)
                if buffer != res:
                        print "data error"
        later = datetime.datetime.now()
        dt = later - now

print "time for 10 loops: %f" % (dt.seconds + (0.000001 * dt.microseconds))

Some results from my tests here:

Checking with 100240
time for 10 loops: 3.282000
Checking with 10240
time for 10 loops: 0.360000
Checking with 1024
time for 10 loops: 0.078000
Checking with 512
time for 10 loops: 0.047000
Checking with 256
time for 10 loops: 0.046000
Checking with 128
time for 10 loops: 0.047000
Checking with 64
time for 10 loops: 1.985000 ' Whats this ?! - smaler packets, more time ?!
Checking with 32
time for 10 loops: 2.000000
Checking with 16
time for 10 loops: 2.000000
Checking with 10
time for 10 loops: 2.000000
Checking with 1
time for 10 loops: 2.000000

Tanks a lot,


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