norseman wrote:
Scott David Daniels wrote:
Dave Angel wrote:
Jorge wrote:
Hi there,
I'm making a application that reads 3 party generated ASCII files, but some
the files are corrupted totally or partiality and I need to know if it's a
ASCII file with *nix line terminators.
In linux I can run the file command but the applications should run in

you are looking for a \x0D (the Carriage Return) \x0A (the Line feed) combination. If present you have Microsoft compatibility. If not you don't. If you think High Bits might be part of the corruption, filter each byte with byte && \x7F (byte AND'ed with hex 7F or 127 base 10) then check for the \x0D \x0A combination. Run the test on a known text setup. Intel uses one order and the SUN and the internet another. The BIG/Little ending confuses many. Intel reverses the order of multibyte numerics. Thus - Small machine has big ego or largest byte value last. Big Ending. Big machine has small ego. Little Ending. Some coders get the 0D0A backwards, some don't. You might want to test both.

In an ASCII file endianness is irrelevant.


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