On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 05:28, per<perfr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi all,

> i'm looking for a native python package to run a very simple data
> base. i was originally using cpickle with dictionaries for my problem,
> but i was making dictionaries out of very large text files (around
> 1000MB in size) and pickling was simply too slow.
> i am not looking for fancy SQL operations, just very simple data base
> operations (doesn't have to be SQL style) and my preference is for a
> module that just needs python and doesn't require me to run a separate
> data base like Sybase or MySQL.

If you just need something which does not depend on any external
libraries (that's what I understand in "just needs python"), you
should also consider sqlite3 as it is a built-in module in Python 2.5
and newer. You do not need modules like pysqlite to use it.

Pierre "delroth" Bourdon <delr...@gmail.com>
Étudiant à l'EPITA / Student at EPITA

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