Here we have to select between wxPython and PyQt for a medium size project. In this project several hundred dialogs are to be created. This work will be done by a program generator which has to re-written.
The question now is which framework should we use. As far as I could found is PyQt with the Qt Framework the superior choice. Most articles I found (not all) results to PyQt. But Qt is expensive ~ 3400€ per Developer and OS. Since these articles are more or less old, it would be nice to hear your current opinions. Condensed, I found this pros / cons: Pros for Qt: - best framwork, well designed - nice GUI builders - faster execution Cons: - epensive Pros for wxPython: - cheap - big community Cons: - more layers on top of OS - more bugs (still valid ?) - slower Can someone tell me about his experiences with one or both frameworks ? Thanks a lot, Greetings Hans --