Che M wrote:
On Jun 23, 5:30 am, Paul Moore <> wrote:
2009/6/23 C M <>:
Assuming you're running on Windows XP, try the following line in your
batch file:
@start path\MyPythonApp.pyw
That's of course after you rename your script to a pyw extension. That's
associated with pythonw, which doesn't need a command window.
Well, I renamed my script to have a .pyw extension, and then ran the line
above. Without quotes, it doesn't find it (because I have spaces in the
With quotes it just opens a console and does nothing (does not launch the
Any ideas?
@start "" "path\MyPythonApp.pyw"
The first item in quotes is the window title. If you only include the
path (in quotes) it's taken as a title, which is why you need the
second set of quotes.
Unfortunately, when I try that it says "Windows cannot find [that
file]", etc.
And yet I am copying the filename right from the file manager and it
What's also odd is that if I open the file using cd and then just
the filename on the next line, that file (which I gave a .pyw
doesn't open, but a file that has a .py extension does.
Any ideas?
If you run the xx.pyw file interactively, does it work? If not, perhaps
the pyw file association is broken. It, along with the py association,
should have been set up by the Python install.
You can check it (and fix it) with
assoc and ftype. Here's what mine look like:
M:\>assoc .pyw
M:\>ftype Python.NoConFile
Python.NoConFile="C:\ProgFiles\Python26\pythonw.exe" "%1" %*
Or, as I said in an earlier message, you could explicitly specify the
interpreter to be run on the start line.
Something like:
@start "notitle" "c:\ProgFiles\Python26\pythonw.exe" "path\script.pyw"