Sebastian Pająk wrote:
2009/6/25 "Martin v. Löwis" <>:
I've tried various UTF file encoding (also with BOM mark), use of
Always use u"text". This should work. Everything else might not work.

But I tried this here without success

After applying this, the effect remains the same - one big garbage.
Can you please be more specific? What is "one big garbage"?

There is a square (or some other weird sign) in place where polish
accented character should be (like "ęłąśł" etc)
This problem is only on mac os x and it doesn't apply to button widget
(where characters are correct)

I'm out of ideas: my script is UTF-8 in 101%; Mac and Windows both
support UTF-8, Python also supports it - so where is the problem?
Most likely, Tk does not work correctly on your system. See whether
you can get correct results with wish.

There is no wish. I'm talking about build-in Tkinter (isn't Tk
build-in Python?).

btw. I'm workin on Windows, my friend on Mac - he points me the
problem he has with my script. He is not a computer geek nor a
programmer - he even doesn't know what wish/Tk or Python is

Does different endianness can have something to do here?
Can, but should not.
I read that the problem is when using the Polish language only. Otherwise things work normally. Is that correct? If so then byte swap may be a problem. Using the u'string' should solve that. I am assuming you have the Polish alphabet working correctly on your machine. I think I read that was so in an earlier posting.

Are there any problems with his alphabet scrambling on your machine?
If so that needs investigating. Here I assume you are reading Polish from him on your machine and not a network translator version.

No - Tkinter is not built in. tkinter is a module shipped with Python for people to use. (Tk interface) use: import tkinter

From Google:
Tkinter Life Preserver
Tkinter is a Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit.
This document is not designed to be an exhaustive tutorial on either Tk or Tkinter.

more properly   Tcl/Tk
see also


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