En Thu, 25 Jun 2009 14:07:19 -0300, Angus Rodgers <twir...@bigfoot.com> escribió:

On Thu, 25 Jun 2009 17:56:47 +0100, I burbled incoherently:

[...] does the new feature,
by which a file becomes iterable, operate by some kind of coercion
of a file object to a list object, via something like x.readlines()?

Sorry to follow up my own post yet again (amongst my weapons is
a fanatical attention to detail when it's too late!), but I had
better rephrase that question:

Scratch "list object", and replace it with something like: "some
kind of iterator object, that is at least already implicit in 2.1
(although the term 'iterator' isn't mentioned in the index to the
2nd edition of Beazley's book)".  Something like that!  8-P

Iterators were added in Python 2.2. An iterator is an object that can be iterated over; that is, an object for which "for item in some_iterator: ..." works.
Files are their own iterators, yielding one line at a time.
See PEP 234 http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0234/

Gabriel Genellina


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