Mag Gam wrote:

Sorry if I wasn't clear before.

While reading my csv file, notice I am putting the content in an array.

If lets say, row[5] has nothing in it, python gives an exception.
Instead of the exception, I would like to assign 'NULL' to row[5].

Does that help?

You still didn't say what the exception was!

Anyway, if you expect 'row' to contain 11 items, then you could append
the missing ones:

for s, row in enumerate(reader):
    # Fill any empty slots with "NULL".
    row = [r or "NULL" for r in row]
    # Append missing (empty) slots on the end.
    row += ["NULL"] * (11 - len(row))
    d[s] = np.array([tuple(row)], dtype=mtype)

On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 10:03 AM, Peter Otten<> wrote:
Mag Gam wrote:

well, I am actually loading the row into a fixed width array

for s,row in enumerate(reader):


If there is a missing field, I get a problem in one of my rows
Please be specific. Describe what you want and what you get.

If you give code make it self-contained so that others can run it without
having to guess the values of the variables you introduce.

If an exception occurs cut and paste the traceback into your post, too.


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