Until I'm an experience Python coder, I'm sticking with built-in packages only. My simple CGI is:

#!/usr/bin/env python

# this simple CGI responds to a GET or a POST
# send anything you want to this and it will parrot it back.

# a line that starts with #2 is the old-style code you should use that works # with versions less than Python 2.6. I'm using 2.6.2 and am trying to use
# code that works with Python 3.x and up.

import cgi ## so that I can be a web server CGI
import os ## only purpose is for getting the CGI client values like IP and URL

def main():
# create the output variable and then add stuff to it that gets returned
    cgiResponseData = 'stuff from the client browser connection:\n'

# so that there is something to return, go through the CGI client data
    #2 for cgiKey in os.environ.keys():
    for cgiKey in list(os.environ.keys()):
        # for each client data value, add a line to the output
        cgiResponseData = cgiResponseData + \
        str(cgiKey) + ' = ' + os.environ[cgiKey] + '\n'

    # this says give me a list of all the user inputs posted to the cgi
    formPostData = cgi.FieldStorage()

cgiResponseData = cgiResponseData + '\n\nstuff from the URL POST or GET:\n'

    # cycle through those inputs and output them right back
    #2 for keyValue in formPostData:
    for keyValue in list(formPostData):
        cgiResponseData = cgiResponseData + \
        str(keyValue) + ' = ' + formPostData[keyValue].value + '\n'

    #2 print 'Content-type: text/html'
    #2 print
    #2 print cgiResponseData
    print('Content-type: text/html')



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