Just downloaded the pyQT 4.5 for python 2.6 and noticed this strange behaviour:
inside a widget i have this code: self.view = QWebView(self) self.view.settings().setAttribute(QWebSettings.PluginsEnabled,True) that's i'm creating a QWebView instance with PluginsEnabled flag on. next lines are: Case 1 =================================================== f = QtCore.QUrl("http://www.example.com/myflashfile.swf") print f self.view.load(f) in this case f == True and the swf file is showing correctly inside the widget Case 2 =================================================== f = QtCore.QUrl.fromLocalFile(r"C:\myflashfile.swf") print f self.view.load(f) in this case f == False and no swf clip showed up. Really weird... if I use a local html file with code to embed the local swf file everything is working. So, it seems that: It is impossible to load a local swf file directly into QWebView without a "wrapper" html code. Anyone experienced the same issue ? Thanks -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list