Tim Pinkawa wrote:
On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 12:54 PM, destroooooy<destrooo...@gmail.com> wrote:
 I'm looking for a Python library function that provides the same
functionality as the `which' command--namely, search the $PATH
variable for a given string and see if it exists anywhere within. I
currently examine the output from `which' itself, but I would like
something more portable. I looked through the `os' and `os.path'
modules but I didn't find anything.

This works on POSIX systems. Windows uses semicolons to separate paths
rather than colons so that would need to be taken into account when
running on Windows. This also doesn't recognize shell built-ins, only
real binaries.

import os

def which(file):
    for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(":"):
            if file in os.listdir(path):
                    print "%s/%s" % (path, file)


There's a "which.py" in the tools directory included in
the Python distribution. On windows, that's
c:\python26\tools\scripts; don't know where to look
on Linux.

Don't know how good it is as I -- like many, I suspect --
wrote my own, which in my case is Windows-specific.


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