On Jul 2, 11:55 pm, Paul Rubin <http://phr...@nospam.invalid> wrote:
> Yeah, it should allow supplying a predicate instead of using == on
> a value.  How about (untested):
>    from itertools import *
>    ...
>    for row in takewhile(lambda x: x is sentinel,
>                          starmap(in_queue.get, repeat(()))):
>       ...

Yeah, it's a small recipe I'm sure a lot of others have written as
well. My old version:

def iterwhile(callable_, predicate):
    """ Like iter() but with a predicate instead of a sentinel. """
    return itertools.takewhile(predicate, repeatfunc(callable_))

where repeatfunc is as defined here:


I wish all of these little recipes made their way into itertools or a
like module; itertools seems a bit tightly guarded.

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