yam850 wrote:
I made a python method/function for non blocking read from a file
object....   I am happy to see comments.

OK, here's a fairly careful set of comments with a few caveats:
Does this work on windows?  The top comment should say where you
know it works.  Does this code correctly read a single line?
perhaps you need to check for a final '\n' whenever you actually
get characters, and break out there.  The rest below simply is
style-changing suggestions; take what you like and leave the rest.

def non_blocking_readline(f_read=sys.stdin, timeout_select=0.0):
    """to readline non blocking from the file object 'f_read'
       for 'timeout_select' see module 'select'"""
    import select
Typically put imports at the top of the source
XXX   text_lines = ''   # empty string
Either no comment here or say _why_ it is empty.
(A)   text_lines = []  # for result accumulation
if collecting pieces (see below)
(B)   text_lines = ''  # for result accumulation
if collecting a single string

    while True:       # as long as there are bytes to read
        try:                              # try select
            rlist, wlist, xlist = select.select([f_read],                       
              [], [],
XXX       except:                           # select ERROR
XXX           print >>sys.stderr, ("non_blocking_read select ERROR")
I'd not hide the details of the exception like that.  Don't do empty
excepts. Either don't catch it at all here, (I prefer that) or do
something like the following to capture the error:
          except Exception, why:
              print >>sys.stderr, "non_blocking_read select: %s" % why
XXX       if DEBUG: print("rlist=%s, wlist=%s, xlist=%s" % (repr(rlist),
XXX  repr(wlist), repr(xlist)))
Don't be scared of vertical space; if you must, define a function DPRINT
to ignore args; use %r to get repr
So, either:
          if DEBUG:
              print("rlist=%r, wlist=%r, xlist=%r" % (
                      rlist, wlist, xlist))
    def DPRINT(format_str, *args, **kwargs):
        '''Conditionally print formatted output based on DEBUG'''
        if DEBUG:
            print(format_str % (args or kwargs))
and then here:
          DPRINT("rlist=%r, wlist=%r, xlist=%r", rlist, wlist, xlist)

XXX       if  len(rlist) > 0:
Idiomatic Python: use the fact that empty containers evaluate false:
          if  rlist:
            text_read = f_read.readline() # get a line
XXX            if DEBUG: print("after read/readline text_read:'%s', len=
%s" % (text_read, repr(len(text_read))))
Similar comment to above:
               if DEBUG:
                   print("after read/readline text_read:%r, len=%s" % (
                                      text_read, len(text_read))
               DPRINT("after read/readline text_read:%r, len=%s",
                      text_read, len(text_read))

XXX           if  len(text_read) > 0:       # there were some bytes
              if text_read:       # there were some bytes
XXX               text_lines = "".join([text_lines, text_read])
Note the join is a good idea only if you have several elements.
For a single concatenation, "=" is just fine.  The (A) case combines
at the end, the (B) case if you expect multiple concatenates are rare.
(A)               text_lines.append(text_read)
(B)               text_lines += text_read

XXX               if DEBUG: print("text_lines:'%s'" % (text_lines))
Similar to above
               if DEBUG:
                   print("text_lines:%r" % text_lines)
               DPRINT("text_lines:%r", text_lines)

XXX           else:
XXX               break       # there was no byte in a line
XXX       else:
XXX           break           # there was no byte in the f_read
To make the flow of control above more clear (one case continues, others
get out), I'd also replace the above with:
                  continue # In one case we keep going
          break  # No new chars found, let's get out.

XXX   if  text_lines  ==  '':
XXX       return None
XXX   else:
XXX       return text_lines
Simplify using 'or's semantics:
(A)   return ''.join(text_lines) or None
(B)   return text_lines or None

So, with everything applied:

    import select

    def DPRINT(format_str, *args, **kwargs):
        '''Conditionally print formatted output based on DEBUG'''
        if DEBUG:
            print(format_str % (args or kwargs))

    def non_blocking_readline(f_read=sys.stdin, timeout_select=0.0):
        """to readline non blocking from the file object 'f_read'

        for 'timeout_select' see module 'select'
        text_lines = ''  # for result accumulation
        while True: # as long as there are bytes to read
rlist, wlist, xlist = select.select([f_read], [], [],
            DPRINT("rlist=%r, wlist=%r, xlist=%r",
                      rlist, wlist, xlist)
            if rlist:
                text_read = f_read.readline() # get a line
                DPRINT("after read/readline text_read:%r, len=%s",
                          text_read, len(text_read))
                if text_read:       # there were some bytes
                    text_lines += text_read
                    DPRINT("text_lines:%r", text_lines)
                    continue # Got some chars, keep going.
            break  # Nothing new found, let's get out.
       return text_lines or None

--Scott David Daniels

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