On Tue, 07 Jul 2009 00:29:36 +0100, Nile <nile_mcad...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Revised code

for x in range(len(file_list)):
        d = open(file_list[x] , "r")
        data = d.readlines()
        k = 0
        k = above_or_below(data)
        print "here is the value that was returned ",k
        hashtable[k] = hashtable.get(k,0) + 1

hashtable_list = hashtable.values()
print "here is a list of the dictionary values ", hashtable_list
print "the length of the dictionary is ", len(hashtable)

# The first 3 lines are printed from the function
# right before the return statement.  This output
# snippet shows the last two stocks.  The function
# SAYS it is returning the correct value but only
# the last date seems to make it to the hashtable
Function will return k which = 11/11/2008
Function will return k which = 11/12/2008
Function will return k which = 11/14/2008

Have you checked the indentation of the print statement
that produces this?  Is it perhaps inside a loop still?

Rhodri James *-* Wildebeest Herder to the Masses

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