You could pick a much better title. And apparently you started a new thread with this one. When responding to an existing message, you ought to reply-all to the existing message, rather than starting a new thread.

Tanmoy wrote:
Hello ,
         When i==0 you append an empty list to arr, so arr[i] is arr[0]. No

When i==10 you append another empty list to arr, so arr[i] is arr[10].
Index error because there's no arr[10], only arr[0] and arr[1].

Thanks for your prompt reply...

How can i pass this problem

 You could try appending to arr[-1] instead.

Better still:

   row = []
   for j in range(0,1001,1):
I tried both the ways... the only thing is its not coming like 0 10
20.......1000 . Its coming like 0,1,2,........1000.....Any answer to the
Tanmoy Mukherjee

If you want the row to count by 10's you have to build it that way. You have the arguments to the ranges backwards. Try:

for i in range(1001):
  row = []
  for j in range(0,1010,10):

Coincidentally, once you reverse them, the original problem would go away. But this is better anyway, as it makes it clear what's happening. You are building 1001 rows, each containing non-contiguous numbers.



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