Hello. I searched the archives but couldn't find a solution to a problem related to the Entry widget in Tkinter.

When creating a pop-up window in an app, which contains an Entry widget, I want this widget to contain some default string, to have all this default string selected (as if the user had manually selected everything), and to have the focus transferred to this widget.

(The idea is then that if the window pops up, the user won't have to click or press Tab any more before being able to type what is needed in the textbox, overwriting what is written there already.)

I thought this might be the way to go:

entrybox.insert(0,"Some default string")

But it doesn't seem to work - the focus is not transferred to the Entry widget, and the text does not appear to be selected (even though after this entrybox.selection_present() returns True).

What am I doing wrong?


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