Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
> Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
>> Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
>>>> class Foo(type):
>>>>     def __new__(cls, name, bases, dict):
>>>>         for k,v in [(k, v) for k,v in dict.items() if callable(v)]:
>>>>             cls.wrap(k,v,cls.get_directives(v), dict)
>>>>         return super(Foo, self).__new__(self, name, bases, dict)
>>> There is a confusion of self and cls above - rename self with cls.
>> And remove the first argument to __new__.
> Ehm, no, I don't think so. The code was copied and pasted from a working
> metaclass (at least I hope so...), and in the original code a underscore
> was used for the first argument. I've been following that bad habit for a
> while but recently started to be more following to the established
> conventions. So I rewrote that code on the fly. 

Oh yes. I forgot that __new__ is a staticmethod anyhow.


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