Helmut Jarausch wrote:

I have a lot of old Dbase files (.dbf) and I'll like to convert these
to SQLite databases as automatically as possible.
Does anybody know a tool/Python script to do so?

I know, I could use dbfpy and create the SQLite table and import all
data. But is there something easier?

Many thanks for a hint,



If your tables are either dBase III or Visual Foxpro 6 (may work with other VFP versions...) you can try http://groups.google.com/group/python-dbase

#open table
import dbf
table = dbf.Table('/path/to/old/dbf')

#generate .csv file
table.export()  # defaults to same name with csv extension

#access records
for rec in table:
    tups = tuple(rec)
    lst = list(rec)
    dct = rec.scatter_fields()

I haven't used SQlite, so I'm unable to provide samples for that portion of the conversion.

Hope this helps.


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