On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 7:50 AM, Peter Chant <
rempete...@cappetezilla.italsco.uk> wrote:

> Michiel Overtoom wrote:
> > Peter Chant wrote:
> >
> >> what's the most appropriate (maintained) graphics library to use?  PIL
> >> seems to have last been updated in 2006
> >> http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/
> >> and GD seems to be even older.  Don't want to go down a dead end.
> >
> > Contrary to organic material, software doesn't rot when it gets older.
> >
> > PIL is pretty complete for the task it was designed to do, pretty
> > debugged during the past years, and pretty much 'finished' -- it doesn't
> > need frequent updates anymore.
> >
> > Greetings,
> >
> No, it does not.  However, if PIL was updated last in 2006.  Python in 2009
> has gone to version 3.1.  If PIL is compatible with 3.1 then I'm fine.  But
> I don't want to have to stick with Python 2.5 as the rest of the world
> moves on.

The rest of the world hasn't moved on yet. Most people are still using
Python 2.6 and the 2.x series will continue to be actively developed for
another couple years.

> Pete
> --
> http://www.petezilla.co.uk
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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