> * Alan G Isaac <alan.is...@gmail.com> [2009-07-19 13:48:16  +0000]:
>> Are user defined classes hashable? 
>> (The classes; *not* the instances!)
>> I'm inclined to guess it will be hashed by id and this is 
>> OK. 

On 7/19/2009 10:07 AM Nicolas Dandrimont apparently wrote:
> You can check for yourself:

> In [1]: class Foo(object):
>    ...:     pass
>    ...:

> In [2]: foo = Foo()

> In [3]: hash(foo)
> Out[3]: 15294992 

> In [4]: id(foo)
> Out[4]: 15294992 

Again, my question is about the class not its instances,
but still, checking as you suggest gives the same answer.


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