En Tue, 21 Jul 2009 02:02:57 -0300, Astan Chee <astan.c...@al.com.au> escribió:

I'm reading text from a file (per line) and I want to do a regex using these lines but I want the regex to ignore any special characters and treat them like normal strings.
Is there a regex function that can do this?
Here is what I have so far:
fp = open('file.txt','r')
notes = fp.readlines()
strin = "this is what I want"
for note in notes:
     if re.search(r""+ str(note) + "",strin):
           print "Found " + str(note) + " in " + strin

You don't even need a regex for that.

py> "fragil" in "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"

Note that: r""+ str(note) + ""
is the same as: str(note)
which in turn is the same as: note

Remember that each line keeps its '\n' final!

for note in notes:
  if note.rstrip('\n') in strin:
    print "Found %s in %s" % (note, strin)

Gabriel Genellina


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