ChrisW wrote:

I have installed 2 versions of python on my Windows XP computer - I
originally had 3.0.1, but then found that the MySQL module only
supported 2.*, so I've now installed that.  I have found that if I
change the Windows Environment Variable path, then I can change the
version of python called when I type 'python' into a command line.
However, I'd like to be able to choose which version I use.  I know
that if I change C:\Python26\python.exe to
C:\Python26\python2.exe and C:\Python30\python.exe to C:
\Python26\python3.exe, then typing 'python2' or 'python3' will invoke
the correct interpreter.  However, is it safe just to rename the
executable files? Is there a more elegant way to achieve the same


The elegant way is to have a batch directory on your PATH ( I use m:\t\bat ) and put your *.bat files there. I do NOT put any python installations on the PATH.

For example, I have a batch file called:     m:\t\bat\python26.bat

c:\progfiles\python26\python.exe %*

The %* syntax means pass all arguments through to the program.

Once it all works, you can add an "@" in front of the c: in order to suppress echoing the command. At that point, it'll look and work the same way as what you did, but without modifying anything in the install directory. (You may want python26.bat, pythonw26.bat, python31.bat and pythonw31.bat)

The other thing you may want to do in a batch file is to change the file associations so that you can run the .py file directly, without typing "python" or "pythonw" in front of it.

The relevant Windows commands are: assoc and ftype And on a related note, you may want to edit the PATHEXT environment variable, to add .PY and .PYW


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