On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 11:28 PM, jhinak sen<jhinak....@gmail.com> wrote:
> hello..
> i want to plot a distribution graph for following data:
> elements:               number of occurance:
>    a                            2
>    b                            4
>    c                            1
>    d                            9
>    e                            3
> ( this a simple version)
> the data is in a file , say abc.txt
> how can i call/import the text file and draw an appropriate distribution
> graph in python  ?
> can it be done using matplotlib ?
> if yes , please give me the code for plotting the  importing the text file
> and plotting the graph.

Given matplot's versatility, I would presume with high likelihood that
matplot could make such a chart.

However, the purpose of this mailinglist is *not* to do people's
job/work/homework for them for free.
I would suggest you first *attempt* coding a solution yourself.
If you run into trouble, read http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
Then ask a more specific question on the mailinglist.

Best of luck.


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