Hello to all!

I am a new researcher, new to Python as well, and I have a problem, when I try to get commands from sox in a python script. I am going crazy, because this code has been working before.. so I dont really know whats going on..

Ive already seen some solutions that match with what I have. I am running this:

        if os.path.splitext(file_au)[1] == ".au":
                resampled_file_path = os.path.join(resampled_path, file_au)
                cmd = "sox " + dir_file + " -r 44100 " + resampled_file_path
                print cmd
                output = commands.getoutput(cmd)
                print output

What i do, is just to resample a song from dir_file to resampled_file_path. As a result of "cmd" I get:

sox /Volumes/HAL/Datasets/Audio/gtzan_genres/rock/rock.00097.au -r 44100 /Volumes/bmorab/Audio_Projecto/Data/gtzan_genres/resampled/rock/rock.00097.au

If I run this on the command line, it will work perfectly!

But The program stops at

File "/Volumes/bmorab/Audio_Projecto/Data/gtzan_genres/resamplingto44.py", line 35
    output = commands.getoutput(cmd)
IndentationError: unexpected indent

I dont have any idea, whats going on, I am trying lot of things, but I can understand where is the error as it has been running perfectly before.

Any suggestions will be more than welcome! Thanks in advance for your help!

Best regards,
Beatriz Mora.

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