Ivan Van Laningham wrote:
"R. C. James Harlow" wrote:
On Monday 25 April 2005 14:34, Ivan Van Laningham wrote:
"R. C. James Harlow" wrote:
or just:

for a,b,c in (tup1, tup2, tup3):
   print a
   print b
   print c

And this works in Python version???

Ah, reading the replies to the original post, this works but doesn't give the result that the original poster wanted.

Define "works":

>>> a = (1,2,3) >>> b = ('a','b','c') >>> c = (None, 'foo', 3.14) >>> tup1 = (1,2,3) >>> tup2 = ('a','b','c') >>> tup3 = (None, 'foo', 3.14) >>> for a,b,c in (tup1,tup2,tup3): ... print a ... print b ... print c ... 1 2 3 a b c None foo 3.14 >>>

It's a valid interpretation of the OP's
ambiguously stated requirements, though probably
not the right one.


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