> It is neither efficient or inefficient: it is just a distribution
> tool, to deploy python software in a form familiar to most windows
> users. It does not make it any faster than running the software under
> a python prompt.
> As much as I like python for scientific programming, I would say
> python is pretty far from the stated requirements in the posted blog
> post. It is difficult to deploy software written with python (much
> better than the alternatives, though), and it is slow if you can't
> leverage numpy/scipy (where vectorization does not apply).
> It remains to be seen whether it will be true in practice, but
> something like F#, with its integration in VS 2010, seems much closer
> IMHO. It is compiled, high level language, and backed by the biggest
> software vendor in the world.

The blog post is not looking to distribute his code, but he would like
it to be cross platform for his own reasons. VB is not cross platform.

Dotan Cohen


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