
I an just starting to use the ctypes module.
Now I want to expentd C in python.
In the function of C, I want to get the output struct parameter which is chaged in the function.
following is my code:

----------- 1.Header file of C(information.h)-----------
typedef struct {
char  name[20];
int   height;
int   weight;
} Infor;
int getInfor( char* name, int height, int weight, Infor* infor);

----------- 2.Source file of C(information.c)-----------
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "Extest.h"
int getInfor( char* name, int height, int weight, Infor* infor)
   if(name == NULL || infor == NULL)
       return (-1);

printf(" [%s] get params: name[%s] height[%d] weight[%d]\n", __FUNCTION__, name, height, weight);
   strcpy(infor->name, name);
   infor->height = height;
   infor->weight = weight;
   return (1);

----------- 3.information.c's warp file for Python calling(information_wrap.c)-----------
#include "Python.h"
#include "ceval.h"
#include "Extest.h"

static PyObject * Extest_getInfor(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
   char* name;
   int height;
   int weight;
   Infor* infor;
   int res;

if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "siiO:infor", &name, &height, &weight, &infor)){
        return NULL;

printf(" ***** Before Call: infor.name[%s] infor.height[%d] infor.weight[%d] *****\n",infor->name, infor->height, infor->weight);//[1]initial value
   res = getInfor(name, height, weight, infor);
printf(" ***** After Call: infor.name[%s] infor.height[%d] infor.weight[%d] *****\n", infor->name, infor->height, infor->weight);//[2]changed value

   return (PyObject*)Py_BuildValue("i", res);

static PyMethodDef ExtestMethods[] = {
   { "getInfor", Extest_getInfor, METH_VARARGS },
   { NULL, NULL },

void initExtest(void)
   PyObject *m;
   m = Py_InitModule("Extest", ExtestMethods);

----------- 4.Makefile-----------
# Makefile of Extend C for Python
OBJS          = Extest.o ExtestWrappers.o
TARGET      = Extest.so
INCLUDES   = -I /usr/local/include/python2.6/
MAKEFILE   = Makefile
CC             = gcc
CFLAGS      = -fPIC -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Winline \
                   ${INCLUDES} -O2
all : ${TARGET}
   ${CC} -shared -o ${TARGET} ${OBJS}
   rm -f ${OBJS}
clean :
   rm -f *.o *.Z* *~ ${TARGET}

----------- 5.test file of Python(test.py)-----------
#!/usr/bin/env python2.6

import Extest
from ctypes import *

class Infor(Structure):
   _fields_= [('name', c_char*20),
   ('height', c_int),
   ('weight', c_int)]

def main():
   infor = Infor()
   infor.name = 'NoName'
   infor.height = -1
   infor.weight = -1

   name = 'TestName'
   height = 175
   weight = 160

print 'Before call getInfor(), Infor.name=%s Infor.height=%d Infor.weight=%d' % (infor.name, infor.height, infor.weight)
   Extest.getInfor(name, height, weight, byref(infor))
print 'After call getInfor(), Infor.name=%s Infor.height=%d Infor.weight=%d' % (infor.name, infor.height, infor.weight) [3]want to get value of infor changed
   print ' ----- all DONE -----'

if __name__ == '__main__':

----------- 6.result of running test.py -----------
[r...@localhost obj_struct_test]# ./test.py
Before call getInfor(), Infor.name=NoName Infor.height=-1 Infor.weight=-1
sizeof(*infor)=28, sizeof(Infor)=28
***** [Extest_getInfor] Before Call: infor.name[] infor.height[0] infor.weight[0] ***** [getInfor] get params: name[TestName] height[175] weight[160] ***** [Extest_getInfor] After Call: infor.name[TestName] infor.height[175] infor.weight[160] ***** After call getInfor(), Infor.name=NoName Infor.height=-1 Infor.weight=-1
----- all DONE -----

Looking for the printed information, in the file of information_wrap.c(setp 3), In the comment 's tag[2], printed value is changed valuse. Why is the printed Information initial value atfer calling getInfor() in test.py?
Thanks for your help!

yours: jammy

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