Gabriel Genellina wrote:
> En Mon, 27 Jul 2009 16:35:51 -0300, jacopo mondi <>
> escribió:
>> Is there a reason why there is no ioctl interface for socket either then
>> for windows platform? It's technical issues or what else??
> I don't completely understand your question. On Windows, you can use
> socket.ioctl with sockets, and DeviceIoControl (from the pywin32 package)
> with other files. On Linux, you have fcntl.ioctl that works with any kind
> of file.
Ok, thanks a lot, my question was because I didn't know about
fcntl.ioct, I thought that ioctl wrapping was implemented inside
socketmodule.c as 'bind', 'connect', 'accept' etc. are, and I was
disoriented because no documentation for socket usage on Linux nor the
code have references about ioctl, except for windows.

I hope the reason why you didn't completely understood my question is
not my english, if it be so I'm sorry and I ask anyone to correct me,
it's the only way to improve ;)

thanks a lot

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